Haley Pruitt » Announcements


We are looking forward to starting a new school year! 
During the first week of school, your child will be issued an ID badge. The ID badge is to be worn at all times while on campus. The first badge is free, but replacement badges are a total of $7 ($1 lanyard, $1 pouch, $5 ID card). It's really important that ID badges are kept up with. 
If you haven't already, please make sure that you sign up for a team email. This will keep you in the loop each week about assignments for all of your child's classes. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sign up for Infinite Campus!! This is the easiest way to keep up with your child's academic progress. You can see their grades the moment that they are entered into the grade book. It gets extremely overwhelming for our 6th graders when they get to the end of a nine weeks and have more missing assignments than they have completed assignments. It's always a huge help to have the support of their loved ones at home! 
Feel free to email me (or any of the other teachers on the team) with any questions or concerns.