Joshua Schmitt » Coach Schmitt's Class Page

Coach Schmitt's Class Page

Welcome to our Class!
Coach Joshua Schmitt
Coach Schmitt
Drury University
Lindenwood University
Physical Education Teacher
Jane Macon Middle School
Jane Macon
201 Mckenzie Drive
Brunswick GA 31523
Jane Macon Middle School
Coach Adams/Coach Jones/Coach Schmitt
2024 - 2025 Physical Education/ Personal Fitness/Weight Training Syllabus
Welcome to Coach Adams/Coach Jones/Coach Schmitt Physical Education/Personal Fitness/Weight
Training class. We are doing some exciting activities this year with Physical Education/Personal
Fitness/Weight Training, so we hope you can find a new activity or sport that you can get involved in and
become fit, become happier about your appearance, and gain more self confidence. Our hope is that
you will find a lifetime activity that you love, that you will take with you into adulthood to help balance
your overall wellness and health. We are looking forward to a great semester!
The Physical Education staff requires that you wear a T-shirt and shorts or sweatpants for Physical
Education class (No Tank Tops or sleeveless shirts) also (Spandex’s or Tights’ need to be worn with
girls shorts that do not cover their thighs) you must also have on socks, and tennis shoes (Sperry’s,
crocs are not considered tennis shoes). If you do not have Jane Macon colors, any color will be
sufficient, dressing out for class is what is important! We would strongly suggest that you tie your hair
back away from your face for your safety and comfort. It is recommended that you initial all your PE
We have locks that are permanently on the lockers, it will cost $2.00 to rent a locker for the entire year.
You will also have to share a locker with a classmate. All Student Athletes must purchase a athletic
locker from the PE Teachers.
Course Description
Course content focuses on teaching students the Georgia Performance Standards for the state of
Georgia. Students will demonstrate abilities, concepts, knowledge, and or skills required to; 1)
participate in fitness assessment, set personal fitness goals, engage in physical activities that increases
heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes, record heart rate before, during, and after physical activity, and
work independently with minimal supervision to develop fitness components, identify the difference
between health and shill related parts of fitness; 2) identify principles of practices, and conditioning for
enhanced performance in sports and lifetime activities, identify basic skills and safety procedures for
outdoor pursuits, perform complex movement concepts and skills; 3) identify the purpose for and
participate in the establishment of safe practices, procedures, and etiquette in a variety of activities,
determines personal and group conduct appropriate for engaging in physical activities, distinguishes
ethical and unethical behavior during participation in physical activity; 4) demonstrate competences of
research and writing concepts through projects, reports, and exams; 5) demonstrate healthy choices
through lifestyle and diet, work in groups to create community or class fitness activities demonstrate
strategies to cope with stress through fitness.
1. Dressing out
2. Participation
3. Written Assessment
4. Skills Test
Grading Policy
6 th ,7 th & 8 th grade students will be assessed on dressing out and participation 80% and written
assignments will be 20%.
Dress & Participation: 40%
Daily skills & classwork: 40%
Test & Final Exam: 20%
Course Activities
Aerobics/Fitness Gram Testing, Wiffleball/Softball, Flag Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, kickball,
Ultimate Frisbee, Badminton, Recreational games, Weight Training, Mat Ball, Eclipse Ball, Dodgeball.
What to expect each week in Coach Adams/Coach Jones/Coach Schmitt Class:
Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Instructional Day
Stretching and Exercises
Skills and strategies pertaining to the current unit that is being taught.
Tuesday: Team Sports/Weight Training
A team-oriented game typically relating to the current unit.
Wednesday: Work Out Wednesday/Writing Wednesday
Fitness Gram
Thursday: Instructional Day
Skills and strategies pertaining to the current unit that is being taught.
Friday: Fun Friday
Those students who have dressed out every day and had no behavior issues will be allowed to
participate in Fun Friday Activities.
By signing below, I agree to allow my child to be challenged and expected to give their best effort every
day in Coach Adams’/Coach Jones’/Coach Schmitt’s Physical Education/Weight Training class. I
understand my child is expected to dress out daily and I will do my part by reminding my child each day
to have appropriate P.E. clothes.
_________________________________________ ________________
Parent Signature Date
Student Signature
*Please return this form so it may be kept on file*
Dear Mr. /Mrs. ______________________
Your son/daughter___________________________ came unprepared to
Physical Education/Personal Fitness/Weight Training class. I strongly believe
that movement is one of the crucial factors contributing to the correct physical
development of our students. Inappropriate attire can significantly prohibit a
student from physical activity. It can create a safety hazard as well as great
physical and emotional discomfort. Please remind your son/daughter to dress
out appropriately, since the state law requires daily physical activity. The best
choice of attire would be tennis shoes, shorts/sweat pants, and shirt/sweatshirt.
Thank you very much for your support.
Parent signature ________________________________________
Coach Adams/Coach Jones/Coach Schmitt
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]