Tammy Wiesen » Daily Learning Resources

Daily Learning Resources



The 6th grade writing program consists of the following components:

Whole-Group Learning

Students and teachers engage as a class and focus on understanding the Lesson’s learning targets, background information, and work expectations.

Student Application

Students work independently, to practice the skills they have been taught during the whole group instruction, such as newly acquired grammar. spelling, vocabulary and reading comprehension skills

Small-Group Learning

Students receive targeted, data-driven instruction while building meaningful relationships with teachers.





Student required material:

  • Notebook
  • pencils/ pens/ erasers
  • pencil sharpener 
  • folder
Students should have:
  • hand sanitizer
  • Kleenex
  • Mask ( optional)

  Students should bring the following materials to class EVERY DAY:

  • agenda book
  • a pencil



  A normal class period will consist of the following activities:

1.  Class will begin with a building knowledge exercise, attendance , daily learning target and success criteria, and whole group instruction.

  •  Whole Group- Students will learn the standard(s) being taught, learning target(s), and the day's writing, vocabulary, and or grammar instruction. 
  • Small Group – Students receive individualized, teacher-led instruction to help them master the skills from the whole-class workshop.
  • Independent Writing  – Students will practice instructional content covered
  • Instructional Software (Computer Work)  – Students receive individualized, computer-guided instruction in writing.
  • Review        
    Summarize class lesson-  l Check for understand of lesson through discussion/ questions, exit ticket, announcements/clean-up, etc. before dismissal

    *This will be a typical class period, but events such as special guests, testing, assemblies , and other activities may disrupt these procedures.


ROUTINES, PROCEDURES, and Expectations – Setting You Up for Success!


  1.   Entering Class – As students enter the room, they are to quietly get their classroom materials, sharpen pencils if needed, look to the board for any announcements, and begin the “Do Now”.
  2. Transitioning Between Stations – When the students hear the signal to transition to the next station, they should gather all of their materials and move quickly and quietly to their next station. If a student is occupying your seat, you should wait patiently until he/she moves.
  3. Focus During Stations – Students are expected to stay on task, and remain at their assigned station the entire time. If you need help during the independent reading or while using the instructional software, quietly ask a neighbor, if he/ she is unable to help you, raise your hand and I will assist you as soon as I am able.
  4. Dismissal – Class ends when I dismissed the class, not before (regardless of a bell).  Do not pack up your things and line up at the door.There will be a special procedure we must follow.
  5. Food, Drink, and Gum – Student food and gum are not allowed in the classroom at any time.  Students may have water, but it must stay at their desk. 

Technology – Treat all technology used in this class with respect and care.  

Computers - Students will be assigned a Chromebook.


Composition Notebook and Folder – The folders should remain in the classroom. 

Knock at the Door – Students are not to leave their seat to respond to anyone at the door. Your teacher will respond to any knock at the door.

Coming in Late – If you come in late, silently hand your pass to your teacher and find your seat.  If you feel some sort of explanation for your tardiness is necessary, share it with me after class.  See the handbook for consequences.

After an Absence – If you miss a class, you can make up missed work. There will be a folder containing all assignments on or near my desk.
Follow all School Policies –  Follow the school policies as outlined in the student handbook.
Passes – Do not expect to leave the room during class time unless you have a pass from another teacher stating he/she need to see you. There will be set restroom breaks for all classes.


Temperature- As you may notice, this room is air-conditioned.  Please dress for the climate or bring a hoodie or sweater. 

Backpacks- Students are not allowed to carry their backpacks around the classroom. All backpacks will be placed in the designated area in the classroom after removing class materials from them.