3rd Period 6th ELA / Writing (2022)-FY Assignments

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Hook Based Writing in Google Classroom

Hook Based Writing

Write a hook about anything.
Then write 3-5 sentences to finish the paragraph.


Hooks Quiz in Google Classroom

Hooks Quiz


Thankful Journal Day 5 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 5


Thankful Journal Day 6 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 6


Thankful Journal Day 7 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 7


Thankful Journal Day 4 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 4


Thankful Journal Day 3 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 3


Thankful Journal Day 2 in Google Classroom

Thankful Journal Day 2


Day 1 Dangling/Misplaced Modifiers in Google Classroom

Day 1 Dangling/Misplaced Modifiers

You can use a piece of paper to draw your pictures. You can type the explanation of what a dangling/misplaced modifier is into the slide show. Upload your drawings.


Change at School Opinion Speech in Google Classroom

Change at School Opinion Speech

Choose one thing you would like to see at our school (ex: vending machines, Fast Food Fridays, game day/friendship building day every two weeks, student representatives for PBIS).
Write a hook.
Give a bold statement.
Give 3 reasons.
Give a call to action. (Repeat bold statement.)

This should be at least 10 sentences.
Use CUPS (capitalization, usage, punctuation, spelling) checklist to edit your work.
Are there better ways you could say what you want to say?
Can you combine sentences?
Can you make your writing more clear?


Fun Halloween Trivia in Google Classroom

Fun Halloween Trivia

Click on the link below to start the game


Monday Small Moments Story in Google Classroom

Monday Small Moments Story

Remember... it is not the trip to the swimming pool, but when you did a cannonball and splashed everyone!


Monday in Google Classroom
